Thursday 3 November 2016

Dear Ladies, These Are The 5 Types Of Men You Should Never Date

Every lady deserves a man of her own. Whether he is rich, poor, tall, short, dark or light it doesn’t matter as long as the two have chemistry. But, there are a breed of men that are just annoying. Let me call it as it is, They suck BALLS. They do things which do not please other people at all. But ladies, why do you stick with such men?
Well, below is a compilation of the 5 types of men you should never marry leave alone dating. Go through and let me know what you think about it.
1. A man below 30 years (players and not ready to settle)
He is just a time waster. He is there to ruin your life. All he will do is to waste your life by introducing you to crazy lifestyles in the name of YOLO. In addition to that he will demolish your NUNU as men in this age bracket are so energetic and idle, he will make you a mother even before you are prepared. And then vamos like shisha smoke. Men below the age of 30 are players and are not ready to settle. Dear ladies, if you want to be wasted, continue going out with these men.
Shocked cat
2. A man who stays with his parents
A man should leave his parents house once he turns 18 years old. If you are dating a man who is over 18 and still stays with his parents you aren’t serious my sister. Such men are lazy. They can be found at home lounging on the sofa the whole day watching movies eating their parents’ food and stealing his father’s alcohol stash. When he is bored he will take his mother’s car and start cruising with it. That is when he will call you and ask to come pick you and there you are so happy bragging to us how you are lucky…You are stupid just like that man. Why brag about your parents wealth? Wake up!!! Leave that lazy ass and look for a real men.

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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