Wednesday 25 May 2016

‘Shame On You!’, Caroline Mutoko Takes Shots At Mohammed Ali For Exposing Cheryl Kitonga (VIDEO)

Kenyans on social media have pounced on KTN’s Mohammed Ali and his colleague Dennis Onsarigo for the ‘shoddy’ work they did while trying to expose Jacob Juma’s assassins.

JACOB JUMA EXPOSED! From Sex To Debts, 5 Humiliating Secrets He Couldn’t Take To The Grave

Kenyans are livid because the award-winning investigative journalist and his partner apparently concentrated more on the lady who was with the controversial businessman  the night of his assassination, instead of investigating pressing issues about the murder.

Former Kiss FM presenter Caroline Mutoko is one of the Kenyans who are not pleased with Mohammed Ali’s investigative which terribly exposed Cheryl Kitonga.

Also read: Meet The Guy Who Was Dating The Woman Jacob Juma Was Last Seen With (PHOTO GALLERY)

“I have a lot of time for Mohammed Ali and his work – BUT what he did to that young girl in his latest expose is unacceptable. Jacob Juma’s death took a back seat to a side show on a 20 something-year-old girl who didn’t deserve to be served up on a cutting board.
Moha I am deeply disappointed. Deeply.” Caroline posted on Facebook.

See the video below;


Totally understandable.

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