Monday 21 December 2015

#MadeOfBlack254: How Amar The Arkitekt Managed To Be A Booking DJ Without Decks

The Guinness #MadeOfBlack254 campaign is getting stronger and bolder. The campaign seeks to encourage Kenyans to step out and share their inspiring life stories. One of the celebrity leads in the movement is Dj Amar, The Arkitekt. He took a moment to share his moving life story too.

He decided to be a Dj several years ago but did not know how to go about it. He did not have any decks to play on, but that did not deter him from chasing his dreams.

“As you probably have gathered by now… I’m Amar Bhatt, or rather, The Arkitekt..and I have a story too.. That lead me to being part of this amazing ‪#‎guinnesske‬ ‪#‎MadeOfBlack254‬ ‪#‎campaign‬…So here we go.. A number of years ago.. I thought of becoming a Dj.. With no knowledge of HOW.. How do I even get decks? How do you use them? But I saw other Djs and told myself.. God knows how..but I want to do what he/she is doing! So I made a bold decision to approach the local Kengeles bar and was thankfully given the opportunity to play on Saturday nights…

Every Saturday.. I was there. From 7pm onwards.. With my mums Sony stereo and some RC cables. I always got there early and had the resident Dj and his mate help me use complicated split connections and all sorts to connect into the bars in house system…

Once I was connected.. I’d play. With just a laptop and no decks. And through the night would go to each customers table and personally ask them if they were enjoying… I didn’t even have a stage name. It was just Amar…

Eventually I came up with The Arkitekt and got invited to several places. One being a full Indian wedding…i still didn’t have decks…but I took the challenge on..

Soon enough.. Resident Dj at Mercury ABC place.. And then Zen Gardens Fashion High Tea.. And invites flew in..the adventures of The Arkitekt had begun…Today I’m a proud ‪#‎brandambassador‬ for a global campaign.. I proved to myself I could make it..and I proved to the people that didn’t believe in me.. That they should have! Hah!

Follow your dreams. Battle the ups and downs. Be confident. Get out there. And be you. Life’s a battle. You can’t win if you don’t fight. THE ARKITEKT #MADEOFBLACK254″

You see, just like him, you can get the chance to share your big story. Click HERE for more details.

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