Wednesday 9 December 2015

Hii Ni Noma! Here Are 8 Signs That You Are Addicted To Porn

Porn is a fun and easy way to add spice to your sex life. But at what point does a little entertainment turn into a harmful addiction?

Well, here are 8 signs that you may be getting addicted to pornography.


1. You spend an excessive amount of time watching porn
Porn addicts tend to spend an excessive amount of time watching porn, alone with their fantasies. They often keep unusual hours and neglect family, friends and other responsibilities to feed their addiction. But how much is too much? It’s too much when you’ve decided you want to stop, but can’t help yourself to more.

2. You’ve become anti-social
Porn addicts often spend more time with pornography than they interact with the outside world – a habit that can harm their ability to establish long-term relationships.



3. You’re lying to your partner
Feeling ashamed of themselves, porn addicts cloud their relationships with secrecy and dishonesty. They might want to hide their porn habit from their partner.

4. Your partner no longer seems attractive
With their perfectly toned and shaved or waxed bodies, porn stars pose a real risk of luring you into a world of permanent sexual fantasy. This can make it hard to be turned on by a living, breathing human being. With perfection as the competition, you may begin finding your partner unattractive in comparison.

Continue with the interesting list on the next page>>

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