Friday 11 December 2015

Is Your Boyfriend Paranoid? Here Are 4 Signs To Look Out For To Tell If He’s An Insecure Man

Ever heard of Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)? This is a mental condition characterised by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspicion and generalised mistrust of others. People with paranoid personality disorder are generally insecure.

They will nearly always believe other people’s motives are suspect or even malevolent. It does not help if you are completely honest and lay your life bare so they can see you are not hiding anything. Such people will always suspect mischief, even in the most innocent interactions.


Both men and women can be paranoid and relationships with them are stressful and hard to sustain.

So if that wonderful new guy in your life makes you a little bit uneasy with some quirky ideas or behaviour, here are the signs to look out for:

It’s 5pm and you’ve just left the office. You are running helter-skelter trying to beat the traffic typical of this city. Woe unto you should your boyfriend call and find you aren’t home on time or, worse still, you haven’t gotten means (MEANING MONEY, TRANSPORT?) to get you home. He will start to fight with imaginary ghosts of your ‘other’ boyfriends. Suspicion has set in.

Consider Kenny. He clung to his girlfriend Cynthia like a leech. How many times does your guy call when he is out with the boys? The few who really care will call to say they won’t come home early. Or maybe the obvious text: “Honey, we are playing today, talk to you later.” Never mind the game is Manchester United and he is in a dingy club in Kangemi.

You will only realise he is home when he starts snoring next to you. A paranoid guy will call and text frequently, saying he wants to know how you are, while he actually is checking up and wants to find out if you are up to any mischief.


Then there is Paul, an IT specialist in Nairobi. When his girlfriend Brenda informed him she was going out with her girlfriends to celebrate a promotion of one, she had no idea he would fret over it. The girls had agreed on the time and venue for their evening, but Paul had another opinion, never mind no one asked for it.

He suggested they change that hotel restaurant, apparently because their choice had poor service, it had too much noise and in an inconvenient location. He went ahead to ‘suggest’ another hotel for their evening, where he knew someone who would ensure they get first-class service.

Brenda convinced her friends and they switched. Brenda found out later Paul had actually known the waiter who served them and he was instructed to spy on them and report any mischief to Paul. He paid well to snoop.

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