Friday 18 December 2015

What A Guy’s Favorite Drink Says About His Skills in Bed

Apparently women can tell what a man is like in bed simply from his favorite drink. It’s an indication of how you’ll treat them during the real happy hour. Find out what your drink of choice says about your skill in between the sheets below.

1. If he’s into whiskey sours, he’s all talk.

It’s one thing to order a whiskey neat or on the rocks, but a guy who has to mix the good stuff is probably just a p*ssy.

This kind of gent orders whiskey to “look cool,” not because he likes the taste.

He’ll try to pick you up at the bar by talking about his ritzy apartment and making not-so-veiled comments about his massive junk.

When you eventually go home with him, you see he actually lives on the sixth floor of a walk-up apartment he shared with four roommates. His so-called “massive” dick also resembles a pig in a blanket.

Ladies, run and keep running.

2. If he orders scotch neat, he knows his way around downtown.

Guys who drink Glenlivet are old souls.

They can handle a “grown up” drink. They can also handle you in the bedroom.

A man who’s sipping at his scotch isn’t looking to get drunk, so he’ll be pleasantly buzzed by the time you get back to his apartment.

He is also refined enough to know the difference between each brand of scotch, which means he’s well-read. He’s learned the importance of pleasing you at some point down the road.

3. If he’s a gin and tonic man, he’s about as adventurous as a doorknob.

Guys who are still on the gin and tonic vibe haven’t grown up much since college.

He’ll say he’s all about getting wild between the sheets, but his two favorite positions are missionary and girl-on-top.

Doggy? He’ll spend 20 minutes trying to position himself into the right hole. Anything else is simply too next level for the poor guy.

4. If he’s into tequila, he’s probably a total jackrabbit.

Fact: Tequila exists with the sole purpose of getting you plastered. If he’s downing Don Julio, his signature move is “wham, bam, thank you ma’am.”

If you’re into getting drilled, he’s the guy for you. If it takes a little more work for you to get your desserts, all this guy will do is make your bed creak and your vagina hate you forever.

5. If he’s a vodka soda dude, he cares more about how his abs look than if you’re satisfied.

Vodka sodas are the drink of choice for dieters.

If he opts for one, it’s not because he genuinely loves vodka. It’s because he’s concerned with how his arms look flexing over your head.

There’s nothing wrong with the guy, really. Besides, if you’re on top, he’ll be too transfixed by the sight of you bouncing around to worry about whether or not his abs look airbrushed.

6. Long Island iced tea man? He’s probably a virgin.

What guy drinks Long Island iced teas after graduating high school? They were the drink to get when your fake ID actually worked because they sounded fancy enough to not raise brows.

Now, he’s an adult. His drink probably means he’s only had sex with his right hand.


7. If he’s into his Corona and Heineken, he’s probably never given an orgasm.

You’ll have an average time, but there’s nothing adventurous about him. He won’t flip you over, nor will he be fast or slow enough for you to feel good.

Going down on you? Yeah, okay.

8. If he’s into small microbreweries, he’ll stop at nothing to please you.

Guys who prefer niche beer made by breweries you’ve never heard of pay attention to detail.

They also love women. They’ll work you in a way that will always leave you coming back for more.

This type of guy won’t rest until he gave you eight orgasms in a row. He will eat you out when you’re on your period. No matter what your sexual fantasy is, he’ll make you believe it’s worth fulfilling.

9. If he’s a high-class red wine kind of lad, he’s bossy in a good way.

If he’s ordering a bottle of Pinot Noir, he’s suave. He knows how he likes his wine, just like he knows how he likes his women.

In bed, he’ll tell you exactly what he wants. You won’t even realize he’s being dominant.

10. If he’s into white wine, he’s probably a serial killer. Or married. Or both.

Just don’t.

Read more HERE.

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