Monday 18 April 2016

REVEALED: This Is The Coolest Way To Watch A Soap Opera

It’s a typical evening and you’re sitting on the couch, thinking, how hectic the day was and the toll it has taken on you. You feel jaded and kind of laid back, ignoring texts from your friends, wishing they could understand your mood. Ultimately, you tell them that you’ll get in touch with them later.

Moments into boredom, you get a call from a pal asking you to like their Instagram photo. You’re like, “Okay, this is getting too much. I always have her back for everything, but liking her Instagram shots? Nooo…” You say to yourself in a resigned demeanor.

You resolve to switch the TV on, something you rarely do seeing as spare time is a scarce commodity considering your day-to-day activities.

Your favorite soap comes to life after a few commercials, making you feel reconnected to your favorite characters. Still, you feel that something is missing.

You end up sleeping on the episode. What if I told you that you’d have done something different to enjoy the show better? An ice-cold Coke sets the mood and relaxes you, This is exactly what you need for a great night watching your favorite soap. The amazing blend of the sweet scent and taste makes you feel at ease and you become insync with the show. It’s something awesome. Try it out.

You’ll never watch as soap the same way.

Mpasho News

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