Monday 14 December 2015

Signs That Single Mother You Are Dating Is Not Worth The Trouble

Dating is fun. Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy approaches girl and they start dating. Ofcourse it’s not always as simple as I have just made it out to seem. Sometimes, life happens.

And life is complicated. People are complex so to assume that anything would be straight forward is to expect too much from life. Each of us comes from unique backgrounds and we each have unique ways of looking at the world. Add to that the fact that we each come with our own buggage and things become very hairy.

Take for instance, a setting in which you meet a lass with whom you click with right away but after going out twice, find out she has a child by another man?


Well, Uncle Chim Tuna is here to help you sort out this mess. Here’s how to know whether a lass is really ready to move on from her situation with the father of her child and into a new relationship or not:

  1. She doesn’t refer to the father of her child as “baby daddy”

If there is a term I hear almost everyday from those close to me it’s “baby daddy” and I for one hate that name. It is so juvenile I can’t help but side eye and judge a lass who uses this term.

And yet it is the one term I hear alot of young single mothers use to refer to the father of their child. I often wonder what kind of man would impregnate a lass with such deficient vocabulary. You two deserve each other!
If you hear a lass use this term, while I wouldn’t advise you to run away, I would say this is a very obvious red flag!

2. She isn’t always arguing with him

shut up lol

A lass who is always arguing with the father of her child is clearly still too emotionally invested in him to be in a new relationship. So unless you suffer from severe low self esteem, avoid this one!
This is a lass who is too heavily weighed down by her need to engage the man to see that it isn’t healthy for her and more importantly for her child. It doesn’t matter if he is a dead beat, you shouldn’t date a lass who spends hours on end arguing with the father of her child. She should be mature enough to walk away from such a toxic interaction.

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