Monday 29 February 2016

After He “Rescued” The English Speaking Chokora, See What This City Millionaire Has Now Done (VIDEO)

Children are a blessing from God and we should always take good care of them and make them feel appreciated regardless of their station in life. That is exactly what city millionaire Joe Kariuki did when he hosted more than 1,000 children from various homes and the Kibera slums in Nairobi. It was all smiles and happy moments at the Uhuru Gardens primary school on Sunday as the children made merry.

Also Read:  HAPA KAZI TUU! What Steve Mbogo And City Millionaire Joe Kariuki Have Done Will Leave Kenyans Talking For Days (photos)

Barely a week ago, Joe Kariuki rescued an English speaking street boy and his colleagues by paying school fees for them. On Sunday he shared a meal with these other children and gave them some goodies thereafter. The children were also treated to special games where they had lots of fun with some even getting to showcase their talents.

BAADA YA DHIKI FARAJA! English Speaking Chokora Has A Reason To Smile After City Millionaire Did This For Him (PHOTOS)

Joe Kariuki revealed to Mpasho that he did this because of his love for children. He castigated leaders and especially politicians for ignoring young children and focusing on adults and their potential votes forgetting that children are the future leaders. The city millionaire has been at the forefront in helping children, women and the youth.


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