Monday 22 August 2016

“I’m Scared That My boyfriend Might Dump Me Because Of My Acne”, Desperate Kenyan Girl

It’s one of those days…. we’re here chilling’, hustling hard, going about our business and looking for the best ways to entertain you folks on your favorite website. Like we do all day, eee’ry day!!!

Checking our inbox, I spot an email from one of our readers titled “Please Help Me Get My Man Back”

Now you need to understand that we rarely offer relationship advice and stuff like that because generally, Kenyans like to blame other Kenyans for their own problems. This just means a lot of Kenyan problems don’t make sense. However, there was something that drew me to this message that made me decide to click and open.

“Damn!” I thought to myself as my eyes scooped on the email’s first line. What the heck …I never thought this would be such an issue.

Allow me to let you read this email:

“Hey Mpasho? I’m 20 years old and I’ve just got a boyfriend and I think he likes me as much as I like him. Thing is, I’m really freaked out that when his friends find out he’s dating a girl like me, they might make fun because I’ve got some acne. It’s not as bad as it used to be when I was in high school but from my experiences with my school mates, I feel mentally scarred and I get depressed. What if when we’re about to kiss, he sees it beneath my foundation and heads for the hills? Please, can someone help me out? Any suggestions for acne busters will be welcome”

I read this like twice and remembered my own experiences in high school and college. Needless to say, acne can be a pain in the you know where…

So yeah, based on what I know, I had to respond to this lady. She also sent in her photo by the way (which I’m not going to share here for obvious reasons) but this will help somebody too.

My good old dad got has a friend who’s a dermatologist and he recommended Mentholatum Acnes. Of course, like millions of other acne patients, I was absolutely skeptical. I had tried like a million remedies including drinking prune juice once a week and plenty of water (like a litre every morning, noon, evening and before bed) plus vitamin B5, fruits vegetables and other drugs.

You know the drill …they never worked. I picked up a good habit though – drinking lots of water.

Anyway, I had nothing to lose apart from my low self esteem so I decided to give it a try. Boom – it worked almost instantly! Acne does not discriminate neither does Mentholatum Acnes (see what I did right there?). Anybody can use Acnes Products to treat acne but this right here is the truth!


There’s probably a good chance that someone reading this is trying out remedies for acne …The secret to a beautiful skin entails personal effort & responsibility. No matter the struggle, never give up to better your skin. Always make sure you’ve the right products for your daily skin care. ‪Try Mentholatum Acnes.

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