Wednesday 24 August 2016

Must Read: A Hair Experience That Left Me Swooning!

There is an interesting experience I went through some years back and even if it was funny to others, for me it was an eye opening.

It was a normal day. I had gone to the bank to carry out some routine transactions. When my turn came to be served, I stepped up to the counter.

Then I saw her. The silk smooth hair resting on her shoulders was a sight to behold. The bank teller  looked like she had just jumped out of a television series. She was absolutely stunning!

I looked at her for some two long minutes, while all she could ask me is “Excuse me, how may I help you madam?” She was holding my paperwork and waiting to process a cash request.

But her hair! Yes, her graceful, well dressed hair was glam and had a natural shine. She would part it gently, when it waded onto her face. Mmmh! There I was looking at a TV actress, but in a bank!


Her voice startled me back to life because I think she wanted to call security. I’m not sure but I quickly finished the transaction and turned to leave. However, I still had to ask her how she got such perfect hair?

Three words she told me, “Try hair extensions.”

“Wow. What are those?” I asked myself as I left and I set out to discover and it was not long before I did.
There was even more to it. I found out that these graceful hair extensions are now easily and readily available and on massive discounts of up to 50%.

Nowhere else will you get this discount offer other than at Beauty Click during this wonderful month of May! Ladies (and gentlemen who want to get this for their ladies), this is one deal you do not want to let go.

Visit to make your purchase today!

Oh, and here are more helpful links to help you make good use of this deal. To make a purchase online, visit

Those in the beauty business and dealing in hair products are encouraged to join this really fast growing business by visiting this link to sign up as agents.

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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