Saturday 26 September 2015

10 Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

If you have to lie to her/him, then you don’t really deserve to be together. You can lie to a chips funga though, but someone that you want to get into a serious relationship with, there are some lies that should never come out of your mouth on a first date.

Lying on a first date may be a good idea, but it can also end in disaster. Read these 10 things you should never lie about to avoid a catastrophe.

1. Your name – For some reason, people feel the need to lie about their name on a first date. I don’t know why – maybe it’s because it’s easier to disappear if things go south. Regardless, there are many reasons why you should never lie about this.

Firstly, they will notice that you don’t respond to that name. Secondly, if things do go smoothly and you decide to give them your real name, they’re going to be so turned off that you lied to them in the first place that you may have ruined whatever chances you had with them.first_date

2. Your age – Yes, ladies, I’m talking to you! Don’t go around telling people that you’re 5 years younger than you are. The truth is, it’s much too hard to keep track of, and you’ll eventually let it slip anyways.

Not only will they eventually find out that you lied, but they’ll be turned off by the lack of self-confidence as well. Nobody who truly wants to be out on that date with you is going to give two flying craps about how old you really are.first_date

3. Whether you’ve got kids or not – This is a big one! Sometimes, people don’t know how to bring it up, but you need to mention it if you have kids. If you’re asked and you say no, but you really do have kids, then you can never introduce them!

Either that, or you’ll have to admit that you hid your kids from them, and that’s just sad in and of itself. Nobody likes someone who lies about their own children. You should never be ashamed of having children. Anyone who is up for the challenge will stick around and anyone who isn’t, well… that’s their loss.first_date

4. Your job –  Why would you lie about the thing that you spend 70% of your time doing?! Your job is who you are at that moment. Even if you don’t want to stay on that path forever, you should never lie about your current occupation.

People will understand if you’re biding your time for your next job, or saving up to go back to school and do something different. They just want to know what you’re up to all day. It makes a big difference in the way they see you.first_date

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