Thursday 24 September 2015

Dunia Imepasuka Msamba! 3 out of 5 Nairobi Campus Girls Smoke Bhang

At this point I think the Kenyan government should just declare drugs abuse a national disaster. I honestly think that the government either has no idea or just don’t care about the rate at which young Kenyans are smoking Bhang and other drugs. 

A few months ago, a certain research showed that young people start consuming alcohol as early as 12-16 years.  Even though some of them are introduced to it by their relatives and even parents, peer pressure is one of the main reasons why there are many young people who are consuming alcohol. Read the post below.

The Rate at Which Kenyan Teens Are Consuming Alcohol is Alarming!

I understand that this is a problem that should be addressed across the board; regardless of gender or age, but my main focus today is on young Kenyan girls who are abusing drugs. It’s sad that Kiambu County alone spends over Sh14 billion on alcohol annually.I however honestly think that the government’s first priority should be to make sure that no more young people are getting into drugs, and those who are already hooked are helped.


From my small research, in Nairobi alone, an average of 3 out of 5 campus girls have smoked weed and at least one of them is a regular smoker. If you go out to most of these clubs that young people like, you’ll realize that almost all ladies smoke cigarettes. When did they start? How? And is there a possibility that they will stop? That’s where The National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) comes in.

I reached out to NACADA director Charles Njagua Kanyi, popularly known as Jaguar, who told me that his hands are tied and he has tried almost everything to make sure youth don’t get involved in drugs, but NACADA which he thinks should be disbanded is holding him back.

“Sometimes I even use my own money to fight alcoholism and drug abuse. The people in that board don’t understand young people and they have left me to fight solely. If you’re keen you must have noticed that we have a show that is being done by Mseto in Mombasa with the aim of helping drug addicts in the area.” – Jaguar

Women play a very big role in the modern society and we can’t afford to lose them to drugs. Something must be done.

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