Friday 24 June 2016

5 Reasons Why Women Should Do Business On The Internet

The Internet is filled with pleasant surprises. You could just be scrolling through Facebook and notice a hilarious meme, which temporarily makes you burst out laughing in the middle of nowhere. It also allows you to keep in touch with friends over the Web. It’s one of the most iconic inventions in recent times.

Depending on how you use it, you can also be a source of income — or be your gateway to being a renowned multi-millionaire. As a woman, you should always think of being financially stable, inspiring and have your own voice on issues that matter to your well-being.

woman millionaire

That’s why I need you to keep on reading. Other than watching cat videos and classical art memes, here’s how you can make use of the Internet the best way.

1.The field is still ripe — you’ll be a front runner

There are not many female Internet entrepreneurs in Kenya (compared to men) and you need to be on the frontline in changing this situation. If you do, you’ll not only succeed yourself but also create opportunities for young girls out there who will see you as a success symbol and even reach out to you for mentorship.

2. What a man can do, a woman can do better

We’ve seen many men become CEOs of their own Internet start-ups, scaled them and ended up being big names in the society. With courage and will, you too as a smart lady can take on a venture and do even better. All you need to know is that the Internet is filled with infinite opportunities worth lump some amounts of money and all you need to do is go for them.

3. Growth rate of Internet connectivity in Kenya is amongst the fastest in Africa

As of 2015, Kenya’s Internet connectivity rate stood at 54.8 percent, which an incredible trend. Despite this, there are far lesser women than men online. You thus need to take advantage of the availability and affordability of the services and start a business. It could be a dry cleaning company, a food blog or even online radio. Who knows? That could be your turning point in life!she will connect

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