Thursday 30 June 2016

‘Church Men Are ALWAYS BROKE And Insecure!’ Angry Kenyan Woman Declares

“Nangoja mke/bwana mwema kutoka kwa bwana!” This is a common phrase amongst saved church goers who always think God will do anything for them. On the other hand, those women who party, are known for Sodom and Gomorrah like things have also turned churches into a hunting ground and every weekend we see beautiful women dressed to kill attend church services with the hope of getting “nice” men.

But poor them, a Kenyan lady; Ciru Ngigi has just come out to reveal the truth about these church men. According to the angry lady, church men are always BROKE and insecure. Did I read that right? Sorry women, if you want a millionaire, try somewhere else maybe the city night clubs. Anyway, if you haven’t seen the post, read it below

“Church is where I grew up. Youth groups, dance groups, singing groups – every yard. All nine, then some more.

Then I stopped going.

Then I started going.

One of the things that has been a constantly emphasized thing is that men outside of church are trouble. For some reason, the church seeks to scare the girls in it by warning them of those men who want to sleep with you and leave you. Or of those men who will stagger home each night. Or of those men who will knock you up and bounce. Oh wait, same thing. Basic, if he likes his straight Bourbon and has not been to a youth centered Bible study in forever, stay away from him. He will break your heart with the ways of the world. If he smokes – SHINDWE KABISA!


Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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