Tuesday 21 June 2016

Watch A Man’s Father In-Law Beat Him After Finding Him Cheating On His Daughter

One of the greatest rappers to ever live, Nas, a definite placement on my personal top 5 dead or alive list once rapped a sick line on his song “Daughters” saying,

“They say coolest playas and foulest heartbreakers in the world/ God gets us back, he makes us have precious little girls!”

And that seems to be true. Atleast in this particular case. I came across a video of someone getting the devil of fornication exorcised out of him by the power of the fists by his son-to-be father in-law! And Jeso the beating was thorough.

The story as it goes is that the father in-law happened upon his daughter’s fiance; the man who should be defending her love, cheating with some random thot. He didn’t hesitate, he didn’t falter. He simply took several good swings at him and handed the poor lad what might be the worst beating he has ever received.

Watch the video below:

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News http://ift.tt/28MZPon
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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