Monday 20 June 2016

Kumbe Hawa Ndio Wa Kuchapa Mabibi: 5 Kenyan Celebrities Alleged Top have Battered Their Women

Domestic violence. That is such a heavy term that most people who are actively engaged in either being the perpetrators or victims do not realize it because they do not think their circumstances merit so heavy a tag.But the truth is, if you significant other slaps you, even once, that is domestic violence. And the justifications that come so naturally to us sometimes because of some of our African culture cannot excuse domestic violence.

I was speaking to a lass who made me realize that there are more forms of domestic violence than just physical abuse. According to her emotional abuse aswell as financially withdrawing your support to a spouse count as domestic abuse. I had never seen things this way.

That said, as soon as I was done having that convo, a thought occurred to me; many Kenyan celebrities have been accused by their spouses or been rumoured to have battered their significant others. So I sat down and came up with a list of the guys alleged to have been in violent relationships. Check out the list on the next page.

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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