Wednesday 6 July 2016

CHEZA CHINI! Here Are The 5 Most Common Mistakes Women Make On Their First Date

How do you feel when that man you like invites you out for a date? I’m sure most women get excited, it’s like Jesus has come down. But how do you carry yourselves while on the date? Are you the type that talks too much, chewing gum like a goat or the calm and collected type?

Well, here are the five most common mistakes women make on their first date…

  1. Dress Code

Dear women, always ensure you are smart. When he invites you for a drink, dress nicely, iron that dress that shows off your well endowed curve even if you have nothing to show and step out. He will be happy. Do not dress like a tomboy or a horse keeper in knee-lenght boots with faded jeans and a leather jacket!


2. Greeting Friends

He has inivited you out so that the two of you can have a great time and learn more about each other. He needs your time so please give him full attention. Even if you see your pals please don’t go around saying hi to everyone. He will get bored. Salamu wachia Radio Jambo!



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