Thursday 7 July 2016

HII NI MADHARAU! This Is How Popular Showbiz Writer Tony “Smitta” Mochama Was Fired

This lengthy episode here about how popular writer Tony Mochama aka Smitta Smitten was fired, was narrated by one friend and colleague of his Munyao Mutinda.


Today I  met Tony Ontita and the meeting reminded me of our life of insouciance many hungers ago when we were paid to have fun at the office – and produce Pulse while at it. So one morning Tony arrived in the office looking like someone for whom a plane had honked ( that’s direct translation from Kao – avuavuanite ta mundu ukuniwe horn ni ndeke). One hand was planted in the pocket. My first thoughts were that he was arresting the vagabond strains of a fledgling hard-on. Then he chucked out a credit card. It belonged to a senior editor. A senior editor had, the previous night, at the Carnivore no less, entrusted his credit card to Tony. Now those who know Tony know he used to riot like an 18-year-old sailor on shore leave. But a senior editor had given him his credit card nonetheless! Saitaan!

And this on a week when the said editor had fired Tony on Tuesday  and rehired him on Thursday. 

Sasa vuteni stool. 

The week before he was fired, the editor, in his wisdom , had sent Tony to cover a cattle recovery mission in the unforgiving Suguta Valley. Imagine that! Tony, Smitta Smitten, the Showbiz Kitten who was a humorist – he who would attend a party to eavesdrop on drunken convos of celebs, scribble notes on papers, drink and lose the notes but turn up on Monday to scrounge for bits and pieces from his otherwise sharp brain – was gonna jump onto an anti-stock theft unit chopper to cover a cattle recovery mission.

Not that he couldn’t write the story: he’s a very good writer. But still. 

When the assignment was handed out, he was flabbered without a ghast.  Yet he didn’t protest. Instead, he went to drink (perhaps to try and come to terms with his impending mortality). He drank and drank and made it to the unit’s offices sloshed. Collapsed into the nearest chair and blacked out. Needless to say, the commander threw him into the street and he went back home – miraculously, he says. 

When the commander called his boss with the damning report, the said boss sent Tony a text, informing him to use his last paycheque wisely, as it was the last. But, alas! He had lost his phone. Again. 

So he turned up at the office in spite of his unemployment status😂. At the planning meeting, boss goes, “chief, didn’t you receive my text?” He hadn’t, duh! Anyhu, he was sent away to inflation as Bogonko would say. That was Tuesday. No prizes for guessing where he went. Come Wednesday, boss calls Tony, who had bought a mulika. “Chief, why haven’t you filed any stories?” he demanded with menaces. 

“But you fired me,” Tony said. 

“If you don’t file asap i will make good that threat,” said boss. 

Tony was back. 

Then an office do was happening at Carnie. Tony has a coupla doubles and the company ‘s credit runs out. He went to the boss and voiced his concerns about his wanting state of inebriation. 

Boss chucked out his credit card and handed it to Tony complete with the PIN. Tony was stunned (I think). 

Impaled upon the horns of a dilemma, he didn’t know how much was in the card, and what the decent amount to spend would be. Above all, he feared getting drunk and losing it. It was a long night for the showbiz cat. 

So that’s how he ended up in the office with the card, behaving like it was burning a hole through his trousers. He went to the boss’s office, handed it in and took a short leave. Guess where he went.”

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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