Wednesday 1 June 2016

UNYAMA HUU! Here Is The Kenyan Lady Who Was Burnt By Her Employer In The Middle East (DISTURBING PHOTOS)

Life is not easy. The cost of living has gone high hence people travel far and wide looking for well-paying jobs but in most cases all doesn’t go well. Some turn into slaves while others are killed in mysterious circumstances. Cases of Kenyans especially women travelling to the Gulf/Middle East countries in search of greener pastures is rampant in the recent past. Some end up making it while the few who are unlucky either lose their lives or are mistreated and tortured by their employers. But despite the many bad stories we have heard from such countries, Kenyans still go ahead and travel there to seek employment.

A Kenyan lady by the name Mary Kibwana Kamango is the latest victim of torture. The young lady was recently flown back home from Jordan, Lebanon in the Middle East where she had gone in search of greener pastures. All did not go well with Mary Kibwana as she expected, she returned home with 40% of her body burnt.  According to Mary, she was busy attending to her regular duties when her employer deliberately set up a gas cylinder on fire that caused severe injures to her (this happened on 17th April 2016). Although she didn’t know the main reason as to why her boss would do that to her, Mary narrated that despite her calls for help, she was neglected and ignored only to be rescued by a neighbour who managed to put off the fire and rushed her to a nearby hospital.

The cruel employer later confiscated her mobile phone making it hard to reach her family members. But thank God for a good Samaritan who contacted Mike Sonko’s Rescue Team. She was flown back home and on arrival at the JKIA, she was taken to the Kenyatta National Hospital where she is still recuperating. Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has vowed to mobilise thousands of Kenyan women so that they can lead a peaceful demonstration to the LEBANESE and SAUDIA ARABIAN embassies to demand their closure.

Below are the disturbing photos of Mary Kibwana


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