Tuesday 14 June 2016

WICKED KENYANS! Woman Accused Of Practicing Witchcraft BURNT ALIVE (VIDEO)

Does witchcraft really exist? People still believe in old-age traditions that witchcraft and sorcery still exists even in this day and age.

Well, I just came across this video of a woman alleged to be a witchcraft, who was burnt alive. Apparently there  are two witches said to be flying from house to house giving residents of Soko Mjinga area in Mombasa County sleepless nights. The frustrated residents had had enough and decided to set a trap that saw one witch captured while the other one managed to escape.

According to sources, the woman was supposedly walking on the rooftop of houses and she fell into one of the houses and was given a dog’s beating by the angry residents.


Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News http://ift.tt/1rp4fGG
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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