Monday 4 July 2016

These Are The Beautiful Ladies Whose Bodies Were Mangled Beyond Recognition In The Grizzly Kisii Accident

Death is unforgiving in it’s finality. And indeed, it is a pit into which beauty is wasted and wealth lost. How else can you describe the unfortunate accident that occurred late Friday night when several K.U students were involved in a grizzly accident?

And when you see how they looked while blood flowed through their veins, the fact of just how tragic this is fully dawns on you.
These were very beautiful lasses in the prime of their lives and all that potential has come to naught, undone by a road accident so grizzly, one lad’s father couldnae recognize him!

KIFO HAKINA HURUMA: Father’s Heartbreaking Account Of How He Couldn’t Recognize His Dead Son In The Horrific Kisii Accident

Get to the next page to meet the beauties who perished.

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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