Monday 24 October 2016

After Calling Off Wedding With Fiance Over His Leaked Sex-Tape With Her Best Pal, Nairobi Songstress Explains The Pain Of The HeartBreak ANd Betrayal

Singer Lady Nanaa has had it rough, when it comes to love. She had to break off her engagement to her fiance, and call off the wedding – a day to the d-day – after she found out that her hubby-to-be had slept with her best friend. And taped it. Check out the drama in the link below.

Top Kenyan Female Artiste Calls Off Wedding After Seeing Video Of Her Fiance Having Sex With Her Friend

Months later, Lady Nanaa has moved on and has now given her life to ChristShe has decided to live her life in a manner that will please the Lord.

In an emotional post, Lady Nanaa talks about loosing people who are close to her. She also states that she won’t be giving up her cookie any time soon. And if she does, you better put a ring on it.

“One of the major decisions i made during my journey in knowing christ was to live a celibate life until marriage, prayed about it and knew God was in control. Now here is the truth when you pray about an issue, it has to follow with actions and sacrifice on situations that will totally see you not tempted. That is our weakness.I thought God had me covered yet i was still entertaining some aspects in my life that ofcourse would trigger failure of my decision. The moment i felt i lost in that decision i read the scripture on our body being the temple of the Lord. I had read it before but it had a deeper meaning and understanding now. If i am to house someone in a dirty house how was i to make him/her comfortable to dine and have a good time with me? I further read the amazing story of Ruth in the bible. Another turning point in my journey.”

Here is the rest of her post.

“(Ruth 1:16)But Ruth answered,”Dont ask me to leave you.Wherever you go,I will go; wherever you live, I will live.Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.
Ruth had just lost a husband,father in law and only brother, yet instead of going to her motherland to mourn with her people, she begged Naomi(mother in law) to go with her.(Kindly read the story if you have not/refresh).I cant bring myself to imagine how Ruth felt losing such close people in her life!Yet the decision she makes looks not clearly thought through until God reveals himself in her life.
Ruth is an example of how God can change a life and take it in a direction He has planned for you and i, Although Ruth came from a pagan(not religious) background in Moab, once she met the God of Israel, she became a living testimonial to Him by faith. Even though she lived in humble circumstances before marrying Boaz, she believed that God was faithful to care for His people.Ruth is an example to us that God rewards faithfulness: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).
My decision was clear now.I had to go back to my core roots. For me it ment going back home. Let me state this very CLEAR, My GREATEST desire after college was to LEAVE home (freedom to do all i wanted without restrictions) and that is exactly what God granted me then.Yet here i was my heart telling me i needed to go back home. Whose voice was speaking in my spirit? Mine or God?……..(To be continued) #Findingmywayback #livingabetterstory #walkingwithChrist.”

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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