Friday 28 October 2016

AKI PASTORS WANA NYEGE SANA! Woman Accuses SDA Pastor Of Being A SEX Pest

A woman has accused a pastor of Seventh Day Adventist Church, Nairobi East, of sexually harassing her.

According to the Star, the woman said she works as a teacher at a school sponsored by the church, at which the pastor is also based.

She filed an affidavit accusing pastor Paul Owuor of the offence.

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The teacher claimed the pastor sexually harassed her after calling her into his office at around 8.30am on September 30.

“He told me I am beautiful, young and good looking….and he will be happy to go out with me,” she said.

She added that Owuor told her that allowances, salary increment and permanent employment that she was to be paid had been discussed and permitted by the Education board.

“But I would only get them if I complied with his sexual demands,” she said.

The woman who joined the school in January 2015, said that when she turned down the demands, Owuor told her to help him “fix” an elder who has been giving him problems at the church.

She said the pastor wanted her to allege an affair with the elder but that she also turned down this request.

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The woman said on October 16, an elder told her she was being investigated for having an affair with his colleague.

She said she explained the matter to him but that he sided with Owuor.

“I am apprehensive that pastor Owuor and the investigating elder are out to tamper with my complaint,” she said in the affidavit.

“I am apprehensive that the pastor is looking for a reason to sack me. I have done nothing wrong.”

The teacher said she reported the matter to the council of elders but claimed the pastor influenced them into intimidating her and covering up her complaint.

She also said she wrote a protest letter to the President of the SDAC General Conference headquarters based in New York.

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