Friday 28 October 2016

These Are The 7 Sexiest Jobs Kenyan Women Can Have

I had a very interesting conversation with some of my colleagues about which jobs are sexy and which jobs aren’t. To be fair, this was a conversation between 4 rather bored friends but what came of it is nothing short of gold.

You see, I had been going through a site called 9gag when I came across a list of jobs it claimed were sexy for females… I butchered that statement but because I am looking to get to a word quota, I shan’t bother to delete it. I shall simply start again.

It was a list of jobs males who had been polled had said they found sexy. As in the women working these jobs were sexy. And that got us talking. I didn’t agree with the list so we got the talking about what a proper Kenyan list would look like. And I carried out some rather intense consultative talks to ome up with a list that was just right.

And I want to share that list with you. Enjoy.


That said, I prefer my women powerful. I prefer a manager or CEO or a lass who is working her way up the ladder. I do not go in for the stuff the lads put on this list.


Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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