Tuesday 18 October 2016

USISEME HAUKUAMBIWA! Women, You Might Want To Avoid These Drinks If You’re Trying To Get Pregnant

Trying to get pregnant? Maybe you should reconsider what you are drinking….

524 women were asked about their dietary habits, and whether they drank diet drinks and coffee with either sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Would-be mothers who opted for pop with artificial sweeteners, or put sugar substitutes in hot drinks, produced poorer eggs and embryos, researchers said.

Over two years, the researchers looked at 5,548 egg cells taken from the women undergoing fertility treatment.

They noted whether any form of shape defect was present or absent in the egg.

They also then looked at how the egg did after it was impregnated with sperm to form an embryo on days 2 and 3 after conception.

Do Sugary Drinks Affect Eggs?

They found drinkers of both diet and sugared drinks were more likely to produce eggs with defects.

The same women’s embryos were also likely to have defects, and were less likely to successfully implant in the womb.

In conclusion, the authors, led by Gabriela Halpern of the Fertility Medical Group based in Brazil write: ‘The general population believes that artificial sweeteners are healthier than regular sugar. It is not aware of the dangers hidden behind the promise of reduced calorie food and beverages.

‘Patients should be advised about the adverse effect of sugar and mainly artificial sweeteners on the success of assisted reproduction.’

Professor Adam Balen, Chair of the British Fertility Society, said: ‘This is a very interesting study that suggests that the ‘false promise’ of artificial sweeteners that are found in soft drinks and added to drinks, may have a significant effect on the quality and fertility potential of a woman’s eggs. This may further impact on the chance of conception.

‘These findings are highly significant and relevant to our population. There should be more scrutiny of food additives and better information available to the public and, in particular, those wishing to conceive.

USISEME HAUKUAMBIWA! Women, You Might Want To Avoid These Drinks If You're Trying To Get Pregnant

‘Couples (both women and men) wishing to conceive should be aware of the importance of healthy nutrition.’

Obesity & Reproductive Health

But Professor Richard Sharpe, Group Leader of Male Reproductive Health Research Team, University of Edinburgh, said that it may be that the women who were taking drinks with sweeteners may be obese. They may be trying to control their weight and he ‘would be very dubious about the claims.’

Catherine Collins, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, said, ‘Obese women are recommended to lose weight to increase fertility.

‘Artificial sweeteners are used by the health conscious to manage calorie intake and by the overweight attempting to lose weight.


She continued: ‘Bottom line? If you’re keen to get pregnant then cutting out sugar from your drinks is a positive contribution to reducing calorie intake and managing blood sugar.

‘This study doesn’t provide convincing evidence that artificial sweeteners are a risk if you find going ‘cold turkey’ on your sweetened drinks is too difficult.’

Source: Daily Mail

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