Wednesday 26 October 2016

 ROHO NI YA KUPUMP BLOOD! You Don’t Have To Love Your Spouse, Former KTN TV Host Shouts

Love is an overrated word. No one understands what love is. Is love an emotion or action? I will never know.

A former TV host for KTN’s gospel show, Tukuza believes that love has nothing to do with successful marriages. Kendi Ashitiva is known for giving advice on heart matters. Read about her open letter to Cheryl Kitonga the lady who was linked to the late Jacob Juma.

Woman Pens Down An Open Letter To Cheryl Kitonga – Every Kenyan Should Read This

Kendi AhitivaKendi writes about what love has got to do with Kenyan relationships and marriages.

“Our parents didn’t date much, they saw a potential partner, asked about her and married her. Meanwhile we see a potential partner, jump into bed, ask questions later and never get to marry them leaving behind a trail of babies and broken hearts,” Kendi wrote.

“Our parents didn’t express much love and affection instead they provided for us and disciplined us a good one! Meanwhile we show alot of affection but don’t quite balance it with enough discipline, responsibility and accountability. Our mothers did everything to keep their families together. They fought hard for their marriages. Meanwhile we quickly walk away from our short marriages and expensive weddings as soon as things get rocky. For us it’s my way or the highway baiby😒!”

She continued, “Our parents took care of their parents. They built them houses and had them move in with them. They understood honor your father and mother for this is right. Meanwhile we barely pick their calls or respond to their emails. We just send MPESA to quiet them down, like how you throw a bone🍖 at a dog!

Our parents saw every random public holiday as a chance to travel home to check on their farms and their parents. We see it as an opportunity to sleep in😴, watch movies, take a random road trip with friends or wash the car.

Our mothers sacrificed their dreams and ambitions on the alter called FAMILY. Meanwhile we are sacrificing our families on the alter called DREAMS AND SELFISH AMBITIONS.

While I don’t think our parents and grandparents got it right all the way. I still think it’s wise to walk down that ancient path and see what great values we can in-cooperate into our fast moving 21st Century lives. Values of hard work, value for family, values of self control and delayed gratification, values of sacrifice for the greater good, values of integrity. All these are lying dormant in the inside of us. We need to visit those ancient paths and see what great values we have as an inheritance from our forefathers. Otherwise like dead fish we will move with every current wave and loose a lot of who we were raised to be. So visit your ancient paths and see what great things you left behind there. God Bless you and keep you. Happy Sunday😇.

Yours Truly,
Kendi Ashitiva.”

Life Goes On! Cheryl Kitonga, The Woman Last Seen With Jacob Juma Moves On With Her Life (PHOTOS)

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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