Monday 24 October 2016

Mpasho Investigates Potions of Pleasure Part 1: The Mysterious Drugs Kenyan Women Are Using To Seduce Men

Not so long ago, Mpasho ran a two-piece investigative titled Powders of Deception. In the investigative, we exposed the dirty things that some women do behind their parents and even partners backs just to get back their virginity.

Of late women seem to be engaging in sex so much more and later using “modified” means to regain their virginity (or so they believe). They do it by use of powders, sprays and even some funny looking solids/liquids sold by quacks in the city’s downtown area, These desperate clients will do anything to regain their virginity without thinking about the adverse side effects.

Mpasho Investigates Powder Of Deception Part 1: The Drug Kenyan Women Are Using To Become Virgins Again

Well, 13 months down the line after exposing or rather telling Kenyans about the powders of deception, this (selling of substances which can help one ‘regain virginity’) business is still booming despite the harsh economic times.

Many have opened up this business and you will never miss to come across women aligned on the busy River Road street calling upon customers to buy their ‘marvellous’ products. Apart from shabu/chumvi, there’s a new drug known as misk/miski which Kenyan women have resorted to. Just like chumvi, misk is also used to tighten the vagina and it has also has an added advantage which is a seducing charm.

According to the sellers and those who have used it, misk can make one (a man) spend millions on you and stick with you forever. All you need to do is apply some of it on your thighs and on your NUNU and once you give it to him, he will go gaga.

Users claim that it makes women very horny, super wet, improves the tone and strength of vaginal muscles which helps in strengthening the vaginal grip and also helps in blood flow to the vaginal muscles and enhances the growth of new cells and provides a natural moisturising effect. Word is, it also delays ejaculation in men and can be used by both parties (men or women).

Ever since its entry in the market, misk is said to be one of the most selling love drug. It’s demand is high. Some women have ventured into this business and some have gone to an extent of selling misk online and the business is more profitable.

There are several groups on social media whereby women discuss this ‘wonder drug’ claiming that it has helped them acquire wealth and live lavish lifestyles after using misk. Some even go ahead to brag about how they tamed their men and trapped many thanks to the power of misk.

Do you believe this drug works?

Mpasho News

from Lifestyle – Mpasho News
via Mpasho Lifestyle

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